5 Cheap Tools to Use If You Want to Gain Instagram Followers as Quickly as Possible 


It might seem like in 2022 there is no possibility to gain subscribers without the help of a professional SMM manager: well, this is far from the truth, and the tools for independent promotion are there – you only need to learn about them and the levels of their efficiency.

This platform itself offers lots of formats and instruments to use for a page’s development: for example, a possibility to set a targeted advertisement that will show your posts or stories exactly to people who are interested in them.

But this option costs money (fair to say, sometimes it costs a lot) and not everybody is ready to invest in their account starting from zero. 

In cases like this it is quite convenient to know about free and cheap tools that you can use to quickly develop your IG page.

Gain Instagram Followers as Quickly

In this article we are going to review 4 completely free methods and the one, that is going to take not much of your money, but is going to bring you tangible results – yes, we’re talking about a possibility to buy Instagram followers.

But first we will start with the unpaid methods and will put them into the right order – from the ones with mediocre efficiency to the ones that are the most beneficial to a newcomer. 


1. Cross posting

This method has a pretty nice efficiency, but for those who have already been able to gather a somewhat big audience on other social media platforms.

For example, you’re a Youtuber who’s willing to move on Instagram – in this case you can use the tab community in Youtube and tell your spectators about your plans and call them to join you. Or you might have a strong community formed around your page on FB – therefore, this option is going to be helpful to you as well.

When SMM specialists say that cross posting works for everybody, this is not quite true. If you have several dozen subs on each social platform, it is going to be only several people out of them who will want to follow you on Instagram as well. 

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2. Commenting

This method takes a lot of time and energy from a person, but brings nice results. Commenting means leaving comments under the popular posts of the bigger bloggers in your niche – this way you gain a possibility to interact with their readers and make them interested in going and checking out your content as well.

But, while doing that, you have to be sure that your main picture and your username “say” everything that people need to know about you.

Make them catchy and intriguing, so that the viewers of those bloggers would look at them and wonder what you’re putting forward in your profile. This way you will be able to gather your first subscribers in just several days. 

3. Activity chats

These ones are great for the newcomers, because this way they are not only able to get the much needed support, but are also able to form the much needed bonds with the other content creators – and those are going to be very needed for the next hack that we will be talking about.

However, in activity chats in Telegram and What’s App content creators gather to share the links to the posts that need support and give each other thumbs up and comments. You can ask for whatever support you need and you will get it for a favor in return.

But remember, that this option gives temporary results – the readers that you’re going to gain will probably unsubscribe, so you should be ready to replace them with natural subs or the ones that you will be able to buy. 

4. Free PR

This one is available due to cooperation with other bloggers who have approximately the same number of subs as you do. You can reach out to them with an offer to collaborate – and you can tell about each other to your readers to conjoin them in the future.

If people will feel interested (to increase the chances it is better to choose the bloggers from your or from the neighboring niches) they will follow the other person, and you will be able to increase or even double the number of your subs. 

Also Read: 4 Video Editing Tips For Better Social Media Content

5. An opportunity to buy real Instagram followers

Yes, this option takes a little bit of investment from your side, but the amount of money paid will totally be worth the game. If you purchase authentic subscribers that are actual real people, not only the number of your subs is going to grow, the whole situation is going to change, as your statistics will become better as well.

Because of that Instagram algorithms will start showing your content to other people as recommended, because it will perceive it as valuable and appealing due to the number of active subs that you have.

So before purchasing anything, make sure that you’re buying high quality services and making no excuses – don’t settle for anything less than that, you don’t need fakes and bots instead of subscribers. Those can harm your profile and make you sorry for the decision you made. 

Summing up

Although the paid services can bring you lots of benefits, those won’t work if you won’t put enough effort and time into posting regularly and qualitatively and keep a connection with your readers – so delegate the growth of your subs count to a trustworthy third party service and concentrate on more important and difficult things. Good luck! 


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