Woorank Certification Exam

  1. What type of tool would be best for tracking how users are engaging with your web pages?
  2. Which of the following error codes is used when the requested resource has been permanently removed?
  3. An XML Sitemap can be tested & submitted to Google using Google Search Console.
  4. Why should the Alt attribute be included when adding images?
  5. Google Analytics is capable of tracking user activity on any digitally connected device.
  6. A deep link is:
  7. Which of the following is required based on Google’s recommendations for a mobile-friendly website?
  8. Pages created automatically from searches carried out on your website provide a good method for building user generated content to target new keywords.
  9. In PPC the advertiser pays for:
  10. 1% CTR means that for every 100 impressions there are 10 clicks
  11. Google Analytics tracking code should be inserted:
  12. What is NOT a benefit of local SEO?
  13. In Google Analytics, the value (not set) appears for the selected dimension when no source filters have been applied to the Property View.
  14. Which of the following is the most important for on-page SEO?
  15. Which of the following tools is not used for backlink analysis?
  16. Which of the following redirects should be used when perminantly redirecting the location of one URL to another?
  17. Which of the following is against Google’s Guidelines?
  18. Evergreen content has a short shelf life, like a news article.
  19. In Digital Marketing, what does UX stand for?
  20. The alt attribute is:
  21. Google Search Console’s ‘Search Analytics’ allows users to track and filter Clicks, Impressions, CTR & Positions, using data from the last 16 months.
  22. Which of the following tools can be used to identify mobile optimization issues?
  23. Which of the following characters should be used to separate words in URLs?
  24. Which of the following redirects has the ‘See Other’ response?
  25. Anchor text is the name given to the snippet of content used to promote pages in the search results.
  26. The meta description can help to:
  27. An XML Sitemap is:
  28. Which of the following animals is associated with Google’s algorithm used to target sites with large amounts of thin content?
  29. In email marketing, the abbreviation UCE stands for:
  30. CTR is calculated by the below formula:
  31. The sample size in Google Analytics can be adjusted by:
  32. How can a user track activity from their own internal search on their websites?
  33. If no title tag and/or meta description is specified for webpage, Google will generate one automatically using the content on the page.
  34. When the URL of a page is changed, it’s usually best practice to:
  35. How do you check Google’s cache of a page?
  36. According to SEO best practice, what is the maximum number of H1 tags a page should have?
  37. How might Google make webmasters aware of a manual penalty applied to their website?
  38. Flash content is known for being easily indexed by search engines.
  39. Which of the following can be used to handle duplicate content?
  40. Which one of the below statements is false?
  41. How can a company create a forum for dialogue on LinkedIn?
  42. utm_medium and utm_term are URL parameters that are both required for campaign tracking.
  43. To be considered mobile-friendly, a website should have:
  44. It is a best practice to block javascript and CSS in the robots.txt file.
  45. Which of the following tools can be used to extract estimated keyword volumes associated with search terms in Google?
  46. Which of the following is used to highlight a preferred page, when other versions of the page may also exist?
  47. The meta keywords tag is used by Google as a ranking signal.
  48. Which of these is NOT a Google recognized search operator?
  49. Which of these is NOT considered as duplicate content:
  50. Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors to a site who leave after only viewing a single page.
  51. The hreflang tag is used to:
  52. The Google Pigeon update mainly affects:
  53. Backlinks from Social media channels offer a good source of link juice.
  54. Evergreen content has a short shelf life (such as news articles).
  55. The ALT attrubute is:
  56. Google’s ‘Search Analytics’ allows users to track and filter Clicks, Impressions, Clickthroughrate & Positions, using data from the last 3 months.
  57. Affiliate marketing is: