Yandex Metrica Certification

  1. Are statistics saved after a counter is transferred to another username?
  2. Which username of which access level can grant guest access to a counter?
  3. Is it possible to grant access to all counters that are set for one username?
  4. Please choose the correct next step. After making changes to the counter code via Yandex.Metrica’s settings:
  5. In what ways can I receive notifications about the availability of my website?
  6. Can I configure support for a desired file extension for the “File downloads” report?
  7. On a site there are pages with the addresses, How can you combine these pages into one single URL ( by using actions?
  8. Which blocks of counter code are enough to install on a site so that Yandex.Metrica can correctly collect and display information on site traffic in the informer?
  9. This screenshot shows a goal with several conditions. In what case will there be a conversion?
  10. What does the .reachGoal() method do?
  11. What’s the maximum number of steps you can set for a multi-step goal?
  12. In Yandex.Metrica, what can you set for goals of the type “Page view”?
  13. What type of goal must you use to track clicks on site buttons?
  14. What do you need to specify in the “Goal ID” field when creating a JavaScript event type goal?
  15. Owners of which sites can set up an “E-commerce” report?
  16. What are “new users” in Yandex.Metrica?
  17. For which traffic source must you always use tags so that information appears in the “Sources – Summary” report?
  18. Does Yandex.Metrica collect information about files downloaded by users and their click-throughs to external sites?
  19. A user views a site page and then leaves their computer for 40 minutes. The user does not close their browser window in this time. Upon returning, the user continues browsing. The Yandex.Metrica counter records two sessions for this user. What will be the traffic source for the second session?
  20. What information about goals must you send in the goal_id parameter in the “Purchase” action when configuring E-commerce, so that information about the purchase sum is transferred to Yandex.Direct?
  21. What is the correct way to add the tag “from=yandex” to the link
  22. What is “Internal traffic”?
  23. A user comes to your site from a browser bookmark that contains the tag utm_source=google. Which traffic source will this click-through be attributed to?
  24. What information on orders is collected in the report “E-commerce – Content of orders”?
  25. A user comes to a site via Yandex’s search engine, then immediately closes the page. After that the user types the address of the site into their browser and goes directly to that site. What is the traffic source of this session?
  26. Please look at the “Link map” report in the screenshot. Which link has had the least clicks for the selected period?
  27. Which information does Webvisor record by default?
  28. Does Webvisor record passwords entered by a site user?
  29. What is the name of the report where site owners can view a record of user actions?
  30. A site counter has recorded 1500 sessions per day. How many sessions will be available to view in Webvisor?
  31. In which of the following reports can you see information about keywords that attracted users from Yandex.Direct?
  32. In which standard report can you see information only for valid click-throughs from Yandex.Direct?
  33. In which standard Yandex.Metrica report can you see data on cost per click from Yandex.Direct?
  34. Which reports can any Yandex user see if public access to statistics has been given to a counter?
  35. Can I transfer a counter from one Yandex username to another Yandex username?
  36. Which username can remove Yandex.Metrica counters?
  37. For what period of time will the informer display information about a site?
  38. When will information begin to be collected after installing a counter on a site?
  39. Will data be collected if a counter has been installed on a site, but deleted in the Yandex.Metrica interface?
  40. What can you do by adding a Yandex.Metrica informer?
  41. What type of goal from this list can be used to track traffic from external links?
  42. In Yandex.Metrica there is a multi-step goal consisting of three steps. The multi-step goal will result in a conversion for which conditions?
  43. What type of goal must you use to find out the number of users for a specific page depth?
  44. In what instance will a multi-step goal not function correctly?
  45. A user finds a site through Yandex’s search engine using one keyword. In 10 minutes, the user returns to the site through Yandex’s search engine, but finds it with another keyword. Which keyword will Yandex.Metrica take into account for the user’s session?
  46. What information must you transfer in the “Purchase” action when configuring E-commerce, so that information about the purchase sum is transferred to Yandex.Direct?
  47. What is a “user” in Yandex.Metrica?
  48. Is it possible to know in Yandex.Metrica which phone model is used to go to sites?
  49. A goal has been set for going to the “Contacts” on a site. At 12:00 a user comes to the site, goes to the contacts pages, adds it to their bookmarks, and then closes the site. At 12:05, the user opens the site via their bookmarks. How will Yandex.Metrica record this goal information?
  50. Is it possible to transfer additional information about user sessions to Yandex.Metrica?
  51. Which report can give you full information about a user’s IP address?
  52. Different Yandex.Metrica counters are installed on the website and third-level domain A user ends up on from a search engine, then clicks a link to Which traffic source for the session will be in the counter?
  53. In which standard report can you see information about robots that have come to your site?
  54. How do you display all clicks on the Click map for the “” group of pages?
  55. What needs to be done so that Webvisor does not record keystrokes in specific data entry fields?
  56. In the standard report “Yandex.Direct – summary”, you will see the term “External campaigns”. What needs to be done to view detailed statistics for these campaigns?
  57. Which username cannot edit counter settings?
  58. How can you make a counter that will not send a hit upon initialization?
  59. What do you need to do after registering a new Yandex.Metrica counter so that site data will be collected?
  60. Can I exclude from Yandex.Metrica reports traffic from a specific range of IP addresses?
  61. What condition can you not apply to a “Page view” goal in Yandex.Metrica?
  62. What are the traffic sources for sessions from bookmarks, and sessions for users who manually type in the address into their browser?
  63. Which attribution model is used in Yandex.Metrica by default?
  64. User #1 comes to your site once a day for 7 days. User #2 comes to your site twice a day for seven days. How many users will appear in the weekly report?
  65. Which pages does a Yandex.Metrica site monitoring robot check for availability?
  66. What does “cached page traffic” mean?
  67. In one day your website recorded 100 sessions, 30 users, 15 converted sessions and 20 goal completions What will the conversion rate be in Yandex.Metrica reports?
  68. Where does information for the “Page titles” report come from?
  69. Does data usage increase for site users when Webvisor is enabled?
  70. In which standard report can you evaluate the keyword effectiveness in a Yandex.Direct ad campaign?
  71. What can you configure with the “Visit timeout” setting?
  72. Which method can be used to send information that a user session is not a bounce?
  73. In which case would goal statistics become unavailable?
  74. What type of goal must you use to track the sequence of events on a site?
  75. Traffic from a VKontakte ad network has ended up in the report “Traffic source – sites”. What needs to be done so that ad traffic ends up in the “Ad systems” report?
  76. A goal has been configured for viewing the Contacts page. A user comes to the site’s main page, then goes to the Contacts page, after which they refresh the Contacts page, and complete their session. How will this inofrmation appear in Yandex.Metrica reports?
  77. A user comes to the main page of a website at 17:00. At 17:15 the user goes to a product page and, without closing the browser, leaves their computer. Returning at 17:40, the user opens the main page and at 17:45 closes the site. What will be recorded in Yandex.Metrica?
  78. What is meant by “Number” in the “Content – ‘Share’ button” report?
  79. A counter is installed on all pages of a site except the main page. If a user finds your site via a search engine, ends up on the main page, and then goes to the Contacts page of your site, how will Yandex.Metrica record the traffic source for this session?
  80. Which information does Webvisor record when the “record page contents” for all pages setting is configured?
  81. Scroll map functions on the basis of which data?
  82. Which information about ad click-throughs from Yandex.Direct cannot be seen in Yandex.Metrica?
  83. How will information be taken into account after installing one counter on multiple domains?
  84. Is it possible to change a Yandex.Metrica counter number?
  85. Which option do you need to select in the counter code settings to correctly record click-throughs on pages like,
  86. Which information about site users cannot be viewed in Yandex.Metrica?
  87. How long does a counter keep information for?
  88. What is meant by “Share of click-throughs: 8.1%” in this screenshot?
  89. Form analysis functions on the basis of which data?
  90. Which option is not available in the informer settings?
  91. Can I make a site’s traffic statistics public?
  92. On the site the basket is located on the page How would you correctly configure a Page view goal for the basket page?
  93. Is it possible to know which version of a browser site users are using?
  94. Is it possible to combine data collected from two different Yandex.Metrica counters into one report?
  95. Inside which tag is it recommended to install a Yandex.Metrica counter?
  96. What type of filtering should be used to get rid of all robot traffic?
  97. One Yandex.Metrica counter is installed on the website, on third-level domain and on A user ends up on from a search engine, and in a minute clicks through to and a minute later clicks through to What data will Yandex.Metrica show?
  98. How accurately will information on users be collected if only the informer code is installed on the page of a site?
  99. Can I see information on traffic from social networks in a standard report?
  100. Can you install several counter codes on one page of a site?
  101. Which option has an incorrect IP interval specified in the counter filters?
  102. In a counter code the following information is entered: try { var yaCounter1111111 = new Ya.Metrika({id:1111111, accurateTrackBounce:5000)}. How will this counter count bounces?
  103. Which traffic source had the lowest bounce rate for the whole month?
  104. After what amount of idle time can a visit be considered complete?
  105. Clicking through from which traffic souce always starts a new session in Yandex.Metrica?