HubSpot Inbound Certification Exam

  1. What does CRM stand for?
  2. You’ve joined a startup company. Before building out your content strategy, you’ll need to develop your company’s primary buyer persona. What’s the appropriate order for developing the buyer persona for your startup?
  3. A customer who recently purchased your product realizes that it’s not the right solution for the problem they were trying to solve. He would like to return the product. Which stage of the buyer’s journey is your customer in?
  4. You’ve been tasked with helping to research your organization’s buyer persona. Your boss asks you to reach out to a few good and bad customers. Is this the right approach?
  5. Fill in the blank: Inbound marketing represents a fundamental shift in the way that organizations operate because it is ______-centric.
  6. True or false? Buyer personas are effective for all organization types.
  7. A website visitor is reading the blog post you published last month. They’re intrigued by the call-to-action that you have at the bottom of your post, so they decide to click it and are redirected to a form which they fill out and submit. Which Inbound Methodology stage is being described in this scenario?
  8. True or false? In the context of inbound, buyer personas and ideal buyer profiles are the same thing.
  9. If you’re looking for a place to start with creating topic clusters and pillar pages, consider deconstructing your existing awareness- or consideration-stage offers into 10x content pillar pages.
  10. Fill in the blank: When creating a content offer, use _________ to determine the best content offer format.
  11. True or false? If you have an ideal customer profile, you don’t need buyer personas.
  12. True or false? Each prospect who comes to your website for the first time is always in the Awareness stage of the buyer’s journey.
  13. True or false? When starting out, make sure you are engaging with customers on every single social media channel.
  14. This call-to-action isn’t performing as well as it should. What is the first thing to assess about the call-to-action?
  15. What is the main purpose of a landing page?
  16. True or False: Responsive design relies on predefined screen sizes.
  17. When designing site architecture and navigation, whose experience should be the primary consideration?
  18. Fill in the blank: While most pages should be optimized for user interaction, responsive blogs should be first optimized for _________.
  19. Fill in the blank: _______________ is a friendly, harmonious relationship; a relationship characterized by agreement, mutual understanding, or empathy that makes communication possible or easy.
  20. True or false? An inbound sales approach is necessary because the world has changed and salespeople need to adapt to new technologies and buying patterns.
  21. True or false? As an inbound sales representative, acting as an information gatekeeper and holding power over the entire sales process helps you win more sales.
  22. 60% of a buyer’s purchase decision has already been made before even talking to a sales representative. What does that mean for inbound sales?
  23. True or false? Having an inbound sales strategy is important because of changes made by the invention of the internet.
  24. You want to improve your customer experience processes and your products to ensure you’re focused on delight. Which should you do to get the largest, most representative sample?
  25. When should you focus on delighting people?
  26. Fill in the blank: ______________ are people who respond to the NPS with a score between 0 and 6.
  27. Imagine you surveyed 100 training attendees. If 10% were detractors, 30% were passives, and 60% were promoters, what would your NPS be?
  28. True or false? NPS is calculated by subtracting the detractors percentage from the passives percentage.
  29. True or false? To ensure that search engines understand your website page, it’s necessary to repeat your primary keyword throughout the page content using the same wording and phrasing.
  30. What are the three core tenents of inbound?
  31. True or false? A website page should always have three goals. There should be one primary goal and two secondary goals.
  32. Which of the following is NOT a lead nurturing tactic?
  33. What are the phases of an inbound sales strategy?
  34. Fill in the blank: ____________ is the process of listening to customer feedback about their experience using a product or service, sharing results within the organization, and interpreting feedback to improve customer experience and retention.
  35. Which of the following delight terms is considered to be reactive to your customers’ needs?
  36. What are the phases for the inbound sales framework?
  37. True or false? Most buyers are naturally trusting of salespeople.
  38. True or false? An inbound sales strategy aims to connect with buyers when they’re in the decision stage of the buyer’s journey.
  39. Which of the following is the best technique for helping people progress through the buyer’s journey?
  40. The inbound methodology is a circle. What does it represent?
  41. Fill in the blank: Inbound is about _____ with the world.
  42. True or false? The buyer’s journey is only used by your marketing team.
  43. True or false? Delight is only about the customer experience your service delivers.
  44. What could a marketer use in the engage stage to engage with different segments of their audience?
  45. What are the principles of inbound? (Choose all that apply.)
  46. Fill in the blank: You can attract people by using _________ to create content and experiences.
  47. How can thinking of your business as a flywheel improve the handoff between sales and services?
  48. How many customers do you need to interview to identify the job your product does?
  49. Fill in the blank: To build trust with your target audience, you need to align with the way they _________. (Choose all that apply.)
  50. What is the relationship between a company’s profits and its purpose?
  51. If a sales rep is speaking with a specific person and discovers that the person doesn’t exactly match their assigned persona, what should the sales rep do?
  52. Which of the following are principles of inbound? (Choose all that apply.)
  53. True or false? If you want to think of your company as a flywheel, you shouldn’t think of your sales process as a funnel.
  54. Why is it important to make sure the people buying your product are happy?
  55. Fill in the blank: During the attract stage of the inbound methodology, an inbound business focuses on __________________. (Choose all that apply.)
  56. In the engage stage what do you collect from an individual?
  57. True or false? It’s a best practice to gate and deliver the majority of your content over live chat.
  58. Which of the following is NOT true about a flywheel?
  59. Fill in the blank: _________ of customers will never do business with a company again after one negative experience.
  60. What might your customer service team use the buyer’s journey for?
  61. Fill in the blank: _________ of consumers have discontinued communications with a company because of irrelevant promotions or messages.
  62. How is your product’s “job to be done” tied to your customer’s personal identity?
  63. Your friend is starting a company and wants to identify the job their product will do for people. What advice would you give them?
  64. What occurs during the attract stage of the inbound methodology?
  65. When does the engage stage of the inbound methodology begin?
  66. True or false? As buying behavior changes, the inbound philosophy will also evolve.
  67. What is the purpose of the delight stage of the inbound methodology?
  68. True or false? Most buyers start researching potential solutions before they meet with a salesperson.
  69. Fill in the blank: The inbound methodology is a ____________.
  70. Fill in the blank: Your __________ is your strongest acquisition lever.
  71. What is the relationship between the inbound methodology and the concept of a flywheel?
  72. Which of the following is a problem with thinking of your business as a funnel?
  73. Who is responsible for delighting prospects and customers?
  74. True or false? Attracting is the role of marketing. Engaging is the role of sales. Delighting is the role of services.
  75. Which of the following is NOT a reason to think of your business as a flywheel?
  76. True or false? Every customer has to have a fantastic experience in order for your company’s flywheel to accelerate.
  77. What are the five inbound principles?
  78. True or false? When you standardize, you’re creating a single standard answer that has no variations.
  79. Which of the following is NOT something you would take into account when contextualizing information?
  80. How can you apply flywheel thinking to your company’s budget?
  81. How can thinking of your business as a flywheel foster cross-team collaboration?
  82. When it comes to inbound best practices, you personalize for:
  83. Fill in the blank: You standardize for ______________.
  84. Fill in the blank: When optimizing your content for clarity, your goal is to ______________.
  85. Which place is recommended for the storage of your prospect’s information?
  86. Why do the inbound principles exist?
  87. Fill in the blanks: You ________ have to provide the _________ right response, before delivering the __________ correct information.
  88. What does a knowledge strategy allow you to do?
  89. Which of the following is the best way to align a company’s employees around a single purpose?
  90. If a salesperson is speaking with a specific person and discovers that the person doesn’t exactly match their assigned persona, what should the salesperson do?
  91. Which of the following is NOT a key part of a company’s culture?
  92. When you use Jobs Theory to develop a timeline of events, where does that timeline start?
  93. What is Jobs Theory?
  94. Which of the following is NOT a “job dimension” that Jobs Theory might uncover?
  95. How does your company’s purpose affect “back office” teams (accounting, legal, etc.)?
  96. When it comes to goal setting, what are key results?
  97. What is the three horizon framework?
  98. When it comes to goal setting, what are objectives?
  99. In the three horizon framework, what does horizon one symbolize?
  100. True or false? Every business exists primarily to create profits.
  101. In the three horizon framework, what does horizon two symbolize?
  102. True or false? Objectives typically have a designated time period, while key results can be long lived.
  103. What’s the maximum number of top priorities a company should have at any given time?
  104. In the three horizon framework, what does horizon three symbolize?
  105. True or false? If one horizon begins to underperform, you should reallocate resources to those initiatives until they start performing well.
  106. Which of the following best describes a buyer persona?
  107. What kinds of information does your sales team likely need included in each persona?
  108. What kinds of information does your customer service team likely need included in each persona?
  109. True or false? There should be one person who is tasked with creating and maintaining your buyer personas.
  110. What is the relationship between your company’s purpose and your buyer personas?
  111. Who at your company will buyer personas most benefit?
  112. What is the role of “back office” teams (accounting, legal, etc.) in creating buyer personas?
  113. Who should be involved in creating your buyer personas?
  114. What is the buyer’s journey?
  115. If your content is focused on the different solutions to your buyer persona’s problem, where would that content fit into the buyer’s journey?
  116. What are the stages in the inbound methodology?
  117. Fill in the blank: Inbound is knowledge _________.
  118. What is the relationship of funnels and flywheels to each other?
  119. True or false? It is a recommended best practice to gate and deliver majority of your content over live chat.
  120. According to Jobs Theory, which of the following is an example of a job story?
  121. What kinds of information does your marketing team likely need included in a persona?