The 3 Biggest Video Marketing Mistakes (And How to Avoid Them)



Video is taking the web by storm, with Cisco predicting that in the next few years, 90% of all Internet traffic will be video.

That means if you’re not integrating video into your marketing plans, you risk being left in the dust!

Since most entrepreneurs are fairly new to the video marketing game, costly mistakes are being made. These common mistakes can be easily avoided if you just know what to look for.

The 3 Biggest Video Marketing Mistakes And How to Avoid Them

Here are the three biggest video marketing pitfalls and how to avoid them:

Mistake #1: Looking at video as a task rather than an opportunity.

Too many small business owners look at video as one more task or obligation, rather than seeing it for the amazing opportunity it is. With video so accessible, you’ve now got a direct channel – an immediate and powerful connection – to your prospects and clients.

Back in the day, when I worked at E! Entertainment Television, you’d have to buy expensive TV time or get on a television show to have that kind of access. Now, it’s as close as your webcam!

How to avoid this mistake: The best way to avoid the “video overwhelm” trap and to utilize the power of video is to change the way you think about video. Start looking at video as a chance to make a connection, and stop seeing at is one more item on your to-do list.

Video can truly be the keys to the kingdom if you only take the time to unlock the door! So stop looking at video as a task and start seeing it for what it is: a great way to communicate and connect.

Looking at video as a task rather than an opportunity
Video doesn’t have to be a big Hollywood production! Just fire up your webcam and create some quick tips.

Also Read: 16 Types of Videos You Can Create

Mistake #2: Creating the wrong kind of video for your personality type.

Some small business owners miss the mark with video because they’re “playing against type,” as they say in Hollywood.

In other words, there are certain video styles that are best suited for certain personalities. If you’re doing the wrong kind of video for your “video persona,” then you’re just banging your head against a wall!

How to avoid this mistake: Find the right style of video for your personality, and your chances for video success skyrocket.

I’ve discovered three, distinct “video personas” and the particular kinds of videos that are best for each, such as on-camera versus off-camera, screencast, tips videos, etc. Take the free Video Persona Self-Assessment quiz right here and discover your unique video style.

Creating the wrong kind of video for your personality type

Mistake #3: Failing to Optimize Your Videos

Most small business owners tend to give up on video way too early. If they even manage to get their video off their hard drive, they fail to properly optimize and distribute that video for maximum reach and impact.

How to avoid this mistake: Obviously, YouTube is one important part of the equation, and you do need to optimize your video for the best chance at success.

However, YouTube is only one piece of the “leverage” puzzle. It’s vital that you share and promote your video. Take advantage of YouTube’s easy, one-click sharing options and post your video to Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn. Email and tweet the link to your video. Get it out there!

Failing to Optimize Your Videos
Be sure to use YouTube’s “share” features to post your video from YouTube to Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and other social media sites

Another missed opportunity for video leverage is failing to repurpose your existing content for video. You could be sitting on a gold mine of great content like articles, interviews, reports, checklists or webinars.

Also Read: How You Can Use Thunderclap To Promote Your Book (Video)

All of this content can be recycled and repurposed into video! Review your existing materials and determine what can be recycled into video.

Video marketing is arguably the most powerful promotional tool since the advent of the Internet itself.

Take advantage of all that promo power and redouble your video marketing efforts. By avoiding the most common mistakes, your video marketing will be exponentially more effective!


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