How to Use Facebook to Reach Your Exact Target Audience? [Video]


When you’re ready to publish your next digital product, you will have greater success if you announce it to the specific individuals who are interested in the subject matter.

Yet, most people would draw a blank when asked how they intend to reach their ideal consumer.

A decade ago, it would have been costly and cumbersome to locate people with specific interests. Today, it’s quite simple. 

It requires some creativity, but one of the best market research tools on the planet is free and literally at your fingertips. You just need to know how to use it effectively.

The tool I speak of is Facebook. By crafting posts that encourage people to self-identify their opinions, interests, and beliefs; you can gather incredibly targeted lists. Then you can announce your digital products directly to these individuals.

How to Use Facebook to Reach Your Exact Target Audience Video

For example, I occasionally write inspirational Christian books. So, I’m always gathering the names of people I discover are Christians. How can I tell if they’re Christian?

Some post it on their about pages. Others are more discreet. But they do tend to self-identify by the comments they make on content that I post.

Many people are scared to get controversial or opinionated with social media, but I find it a wonderful way to identify the people who will resonate with my material.

Using the Facebook Friends button, I segment people into lists. Then, when I’m ready to announce a book event on Facebook, I can send a special invite to those with that specific interest.

Also Read: How to Use Amazon to Determine the Market for Your Ebook?

In this video, I demonstrate how I use targeted Facebook posts to identify people with similar interests and then group them into lists on Facebook:

How have you used Facebook to research your audience? How could you look back through your past posts and group people with similar interests?


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