What Makes an Essay Good?


No matter the level of education you are completing, you will likely need to write several essays to pass and graduate. An essay is a type of writing that analyses a prompt by discussing different angles and applying evidence to make a point. However, many students don’t know how to write a good essay. Proficiency in writing takes time and practice. There are some tips you can apply to create an essay that hooks, convinces, and informs your audience.  

So, what makes an essay good? How do you make the writing experience more productive and less stressful? Read on to find out the answers to these questions.

Essay Writing


Top Tips on How to Make a Good Essay: The Dos and Don’ts

The Dos

  1. Analyze the prompt thoroughly. Academic essays usually respond to a specific question or prompt. Make sure you examine it to know what you are required to do. Sometimes you might want to go with the flow but remember you’re writing an academic assignment, so stick to the topic.
  2. Use evidence, scholarship, and reasoning. What makes a good college essay is a convincing argument to your audience. To achieve this effect, refer to relevant evidence and scholarship. Use reasoning to connect ideas in a way that supports your point of view.
  3. Write clearly. Almost all instructors skim essays to determine how well you have articulated your ideas. Make it easy to read by following the correct structure. Also, ensure the work is easy to read by using simple sentences. The introduction of complex sentences increases the risk of mechanical errors. You can also increase clarity by including transitions and having a clear thesis.
  4. Use present tense when discussing literature. Always use the present tense to write ideas from a literary work. Literature is assumed to exist as a present phenomenon. Present tense also makes the content engaging and real.
  5. Compose a coherent essay. Ensure the essay is coherent by including the three main components: introduction, body, and conclusion paragraphs. The ideas should flow smoothly and link back to the prompt. Everything you write should make sense to the reader.
  6. Proofread your paper. Don’t let grammatical errors and typos ruin your essay. Such errors indicate a lack of attention to detail and interest in your paper. Edit your draft at least three times, and try to view it with fresh eyes.
  7. Use the help of writing services. Enlisting the help of an essay writing service can save you time, guarantee you good grades, and improve your essay writing skills. The company will link you with a top writer who can proofread and edit your draft or write your essay from scratch. You can also get tips for improving your writing. Visit CustomWritings to get a custom essay from an expert who will help you to write your paper from scratch.

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The Don’ts

  1. Don’t overwhelm your essay with facts or information. Learn to filter important details. You don’t need to include every detail to create a holistic argumentative essay.
  2. Avoid clichés. Don’t use informal language or clichés. Instructors expect students to present original thoughts and views.  Clichés indicate a lack of creativity and laziness.
  3. Don’t rely on spelling and grammar checkers. The tools can miss significant errors because they detect words spelled incorrectly but not when used in a sentence or title correctly. Proofread the essay yourself or ask someone else to look at it.
  4. Avoid plagiarism. Plagiarized content can easily be detected using the software. It risks your reputation and grade. Thus, reference all sources and learn other ways to avoid plagiarism.
  5. Use the third person. Essays are objective writings based on evidence rather than a representation of personal opinion. Do not address the reader or use first-person pronouns such as I or my.

What Makes a Good Essay: Top 6 Qualities


A good essay starts with an introduction that frames the paper by announcing the central idea of the paper. The introduction contains a hook, some background information, and a thesis statement.

A good hook for an essay grabs and keeps the reader’s attention. Then, you give more context by providing some background information about the paper.

Lastly, a good essay has a thesis. It conveys your point of view on the topic concisely, clearly, and completely. You can tell the ideas addressed in the essay by reading the thesis.


A good essay has more than one body paragraph. Every paragraph has a central theme that helps to prove that the main idea presented in the thesis statement is true or correct.

The body paragraph in an essay must have a topic sentence that drives the rest of the paragraph. Also, you must include credible and relevant evidence that supports your idea.


A good essay must have a conclusion paragraph to wrap up the evidence and arguments presented in the paper. A conclusion reminds the reader of the thesis statement by restating the central arguments and the main points.

A good conclusion in an essay ends by answering the ‘so what question. This type of ending is the hallmark of a good essay because it leaves the reader with something to think about.


Some instructors or faculties will require you to use a specific citation style, while others will leave the choice to you. Whatever the case, make sure you apply the style consistently and correctly. The number of citations will depend on the length, topic, and type of essay.

Also, you must have a reference list at the end of the paper that contains all the sources used in the body paragraphs. In most cases, instructors will specify the minimum number of references. 


To make a good essay, you must articulate ideas comprehensively and logically. Transitions create a nice flow of ideas and improve comprehension of extensive material.

Some transitions prepare readers for a change in argument, while others relate a new idea to a previous one. Other uses of transitions include summarizing, introducing examples, showing steps or order, and indicating cause and effect.


A great essay is error-free and uses complete sentences and standard English. To confirm this, proofread and edit your essay draft to identify spelling, grammatical, and punctuation errors.

An effective essay expresses clear ideas that are understood by the audience. Mechanical errors can shift the reader’s attention away from the ideas discussed in the paper. You can use online tools and proofread to check for correctness.

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Wrapping Up

A well-written essay unites your arguments and thoughts in a way that interests the reader and convinces them to take your side. Strive to make your writing unique while adhering to the structure of a good essay. Keep in mind the universal dos and don’ts of essay writing to help you have a productive writing experience. Remember that practice makes perfect when it comes to essay writing.


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