When It Comes to Online Marketing, You Will NEVER Please Everyone


No matter what you do, you’re going to upset one person, while at the exact same time, you will make someone else really happy.

Doesn’t matter what it is. It could be what you wear. Some people will like your choice of clothing; others won’t.

Maybe it’s that you decided to bake a chocolate cake. Someone will be sure to tell you it should have been vanilla.

When it comes to marketing your products and services you will never, I repeat, never please everyone.

This is especially true in the world of online marketing.

You can send out one promotional message, and there is bound to be someone who says: “You send way too many emails.”

On the other hand, you might send out a series of five messages for a product launch, and on the fifth one, someone hits the buy button. They absolutely love your product and write to tell you how glad they are you sent a few reminders.

Who’s right? They both are, simply because what they believe to be true is true for them.

If your goal is to make everyone happy you ought to quit right now. I’m serious.

No matter what you do you are NOT going to please everyone.

When it comes to digital products and online marketing you better decide right now that you are willing to take some criticism because it’s going to happen.

Don’t delude yourself into thinking you will never set yourself up for criticism.

When It Comes to Online Marketing You Will NEVER Please Everyone

The fact is, the more visible you are, the more risks you take, the more you put yourself out there, the more of a moving target you are for anyone sitting behind a computer screen to shoot at any type of message that person chooses.

It’s likely someone right now is saying: “Wow, you’re being so negative.” Shoot, I may even get an email from someone who feels it’s his or her responsibility to tell me I shouldn’t have written this article!

Then there are those who are smiling because they may have recently had something like this happen to them.

I’m not writing this to be negative, but to give a reality check to those people who think they will never receive criticism.

When they do, they wonder what they could have done differently, so that they would not have received a nasty email, Facebook wall posting, or tweet.

It’s not so much finding a way not to receive criticism. It’s more about handling the criticism in a productive way.

After all, there may be times when something is brought to your attention that gives you the very insight that was the catalyst for a much-needed change in what you are doing.

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Other times you smile to yourself, knowing this came from someone who is not your market, will never buy your products and services, and will never be happy with anything you do. So you let it go.

To assure you are on track with what you are doing here are a few simple guidelines:

  1. Know who your market is and is not. The clearer you are on this the better. This way if someone who is not in your market lets off some steam, and you get the butt end of things, it really doesn’t matter because they would never buy from you anyway.
  2. Give everything your very best. At the end of the day, when you know in your heart of hearts you’ve done the best you can, criticism is not going to have that much of an impact on you.
  3. Continue to study, learn, grow and risk. Never, ever let a few bozos stop you from doing what you are passionate about.
  4. Surround yourself with others who will raise you up, while at the same time pushing you to be even more than you currently are.
  5. Know what drives you. What is your big why? When you are clear on your way, it helps you to deal with adversity and frustration.
  6. Realize there are people who NEED what you have. To play small because of someone else’s opinion, values and beliefs is not only doing yourself a disservice, it’s doing your tribe a huge disservice.
  7. Play big. Today we have opportunities to impact our markets like never before. The playing field has been leveled. What you do is determined more by your state of mind than by anything else.

We live in very exciting times. As previously mentioned, we have so much opportunity to impact our market like never before.

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The choice is yours how far you will go with this. Decide right here, right now, no matter what, you are staying true to your course.

I’d love to know your thoughts on this in the comments below…


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